Wednesday, 26 October 2016
Isagenix or Shaklee??
Later maybe i post about my findings..digging more..
Monday, 24 October 2016
Langkawi Trip Ogos2016
Ni akk wat acara bergambor..senang korg nk baca..okeh?
Thursday, 4 August 2016
Shaklee peppermint-ginger plus & alfalfa complex..
Wednesday, 3 August 2016
Kongsi makan - icun
Tuesday, 12 July 2016
Selamat Hari Raya..Mahap Zahir Dan Batin
Haa..pelik kan? ghasa akak baru je aritu kami duk makan sahur duk niat sahur tuk sebulan..duk cegang bijik mata nk masak lauk sahur..pastu duk usha makanan kt bazaar ni..tup tap..tup tap..dah raya bak ang..
Ni akak duk terflash back sebenarnya raya taun taun lepas..raya taun ni cm biasalaa..duk p beraya umh mak ayah kt ampang nun pastu duk beraya umh kengkawan sahabat handai sampai ke Kelantan nun bak ang...saja..nk rasa raya jauh katanya..sekali mmg pun..driving pergi 5 jam..balik naik bas..nangis weeeiii...11 jam dalam bas..kematu punggung bak ang...tapi x palaa..kata pun nk rasa raya jauh di perantauan kan..ada laa jugak pengalaman p tmpt org..ghupanya sama jaa..xdak laa beza tara mana pun..cuma makanan je lelain..kalau kt kl tu..kita duk makan ketupat rendang kuih raya..p kelantan depa duk jamu nasi berlauk..dpt laa akak merasa kuzi ngn roti jala..mahap laa yer..akak x sempat nk snap apa pun..semua da masuk perut..hahahah..
Xpala..raya mana pn pd akak sama aja..janji kita menegeratkan silaturrahim..yelaa..kita sesama islam kan semua dokk...
jadi di kesempatan ini, akak nk minta ampun dan mahap pada sesiapa yg mengenali diri akak..mahap zahir dan batin yer..semoga kita di perkenankan segala permintaan dan di jauhkan segala kecelakaan..
jumpa lagi naa...nk sambung kerja.. :)
Saturday, 2 July 2016
From Isagenix to Shaklee?

Currently i am thinking to switching from Isagenix to Shaklee. Personally, tried several products from Isagenix but sincerely it's good. But could not afford the expensive price to maintain everyday usage.
Looking for a suitable price that can maintain my everyday usage. Not trying the Shaklee set just yet but was thinking to do so in the future. In my family, my little sister we called her Ms Sharkie are using it after been introduced by her doctor during her check up for her last pregnancy. So from there, she taking some sets from Shaklee and i can see her difference. After giving birth to a healthy baby boy, i can see she is perfectly alright. She had this low blood pressure kinda thing during her last pregnancy.
So, after asking a lot from Mr Google, i found out that there is hard for me to find a negative review for Shaklee products or maybe i didn't bump into one. Why i was thinking to taking all these supplements?
Firstly like always, i been an obese and a preparation for me to strikes the 4 series. I don't wanna be tired all the time and look so old with the no 4. Plus, currently i am not taking any supplements that can help me to do so. My bad. Too many excuses also not good for me though because by the end of the day, its me who gonna face it all alone.
So, before this i tried the fruit juice kinda diet. Bought myself a fruit juice machine that costs quite expensive and starts the routine. Bought lots of fruits and start drinking the tasty juice. The results? as expected, not shredding those kg's but instead gaining more. Plus, i noticed i became sweet tooth junkie and always have candy bar or anything sweets in my bag. No No No No!!
So for me, the fruit juice kinda diet wasn't for me. That why i am searching for new thing which i came across Shaklee. Though Shaklee is not new in the industry i mean around more than 50 years if i am not mistaken and i can see many my friends in FB are using it and i have not tried it so far. So gonna see how it goes soon when i get the sets of my own. Maybe.
So that's all for now.. maybe updating later then..
Wednesday, 29 June 2016
Kongsi makan-barang ketiga di ambil. PU3 skincare
Wednesday, 1 June 2016
Some thoughts of mine
In the darkest room..
In an invisible jail..
Into the deepest sea..
Ur instinct became ur enemy..
Ur secret remains shattered..
Ur dreams no longer ur desire..
U follow the flows..
U drained everything u owned..
U laugh without heart..
Ur smile fade with lies..
The nothingness is now ur friend..
U speak with a silent language..
Ur stories remain untold..
Battle within ur own...
-the broken truth-
Tuesday, 31 May 2016
Kongsi makan - 2nd product taken
Saturday, 13 February 2016
Resipi karamel puding telur dan roti sosej
Td bgn2 tdo terasa nk mkn mende manis..g dapur..ddk kejap..tenung peti ais..tenung dapur..tenung tempat pengukus tu..trus cr resipi puding karamel..tenkiu tuan punye resipi..
Resipi puding karamel:
Bahan utk Karamel:
3 sudu gula
2 sudu air
Masakkn gula ngn air...kacau guna api pelan...sampai coklat..jgn smp hangit tau..kang pahit..dah coklat gelap sket tu..letak dlm loyang atau bekas yg korg nk kukus tu
Bahan tuk puding:
1 tin susu cair (sy pakai susu ideal setin)
1/2 cawan susu pekat
4 biji telur
2 sudu besar vanilla ekstrak
1 sudu kecik pewarna kuning
Amik bekas..masukkan 4 biji telur ngn vanilla ekstrak..kacau2 manja ngn sudu atau garfu..letak tepi..pastu amik bekas lain..cmpurkn susu cair, susu pekat ngn pewarna kuning letak dlm satu bekas..amik periuk kecik..letak campuran susu tadi..pastu panaskn..bila dah nmpk berasap sket..bru masuk campuran telur susu td jgn smp mendidih tau..dah campur2 seme tu..tgk da sebati..tutup api..pastu amik penapis..masukkan semua tu dlm bekas yg ada karamel td..pakai penapis..supaya yg serdak2 tgl dlm penapis..
Lepas da campur semua..masuk dlm pengukus..kukus smp dia naik gebu..pastu dah naik cantik..dlm 30 minit cmtu..pastu bw kuar puding td letak tepi jap..pastu masuk peti ais..dlm stgh kuar..letak atas pinggan..dan nikmati puding tu dpn tv..layan wooo..hihihi..
Sesambil wat puding buat roti sosej skali..sbb roti da nk expired sbnrnya..hahha..
Resipi roti sosej:
Roti dua keping(sy guna roti putih gardenia)
Dua biji sosej
Dua biji telur putih
Bread crumb
Roti tu..korg penyet2kn..pakai jari jer..pastu gulung sosej ngn roti tu..pastu potong empat..pastu yg kecik2 tu..gaul dlm telur putih..pas gaul dlm telur putih golek dlm bread crumb..
Da buat byk2..panaskn minyak..goreng sampai garing..pastu toskan minyak..letak cili sos ngn mayonis..pastu..ngapp..dpn tv gak..layan..
So..selamat mencuba uolls..*winks*
Boat Noodle, IOI Mall Putrajaya
It's Saturday and we decided to have a simple dinner and went for a taste at boat noodle, level 2, IOI Mall Putrajaya. Everybody are talking about it and the pictures of bowl stacks lures us here.
Arrived a bit late around 8.30pm and get a sit after 10 min of waiting on the line. When seated, we browsing the menu and pick some to try out the taste. The egg noodle was not available at the time. So we choose what ever they had that time.
Could not tried all, we tried some from the menu. The signature dish of course, two choices..beef and chicken..fried popoye's leaf (if i was not mistaken), chicken wing and a white dessert..cud not remember the name..the taste was like our local 'kuih pelita'.My drink was ice blended thai tea..
The taste for me quite alright, but the chicken wings is so small..and the fried popoye's tempura quite oily. Ice blended thai tea..taste like our local 'teh tarik' with blended..Service wise is ok. The waiters is friendly.
Overall, if you wanted to try this..i recommend to stick on what's signature. For me, i will give around 5/10.
Enjoy ur food then..
Until next post..
Saturday, 9 January 2016
My morning routine~
My morning will starts with eplus, cleanse for life and ionix..on empty stomach. Then followed by isalean. My summary updates on 2 days consuming are:
1st day:
I had a terrible headache and vomitting since the night before. Suspected to had a high blood pressure due to stress (my own so i consumed eplus,ionix, cleanse for life and isalean at 11.00am since i woke up late..can't sleep because of the pain the night before. Miracle happens. My headache rate drops automatically. The pain that i had before suddenly changes from very mild to almost no did come and go but i can feel the changes. I was shocked and watsapp Dr Haizal and told him about my headache. He is like a friend to me now or maybe like a big brother whereby i always updated him about my isagenix journey. Hihihi.and he is good being one and always guide me.
So back to my 1st experience consuming isagenix..i had a very tight schedule that day..headache come and go..had small lunch..and was energetic and full through out the day though i eat less. Had to divide my isalean to two portion since it was too thick and delicious to finish on one shot! Haha..
During night i took the balance isalean and cleanse for life. Finally that night i got my so called beauty sleep and woke up all fresh up at 7.30am..on weekend whereby it is never happen before..early on weekend?? not me..but i am glad because i had that kinda sleep.
All together i feel great though i am not feeling well..
Day 2:
Woke up at 7.30am..get ready and had my eplus, ionix, cleanse for life and half of isalean as usual..pick up parents at their house..drove off to melaka..attending wedding then drove to cousins house..had a great time..still..less major cravings..less sleep during back and forth driving..not so tired after a long journey. After finishing everything, reached home around 10.30pm and meeting up friends at home. Had lil bit of chat..dozed off at 12.00am..really flat out and no wake up in the middle of the night kinda thing.
So, i woke up today..fresh and sprint cleaning..toilet and rooms at my house..
Overall rate: i am feeling happy and less tired which is great so far. Good job Isagenix!! Special thanks to the team (jameel and dr haizal)that help me a lot..
Until next time..see you..
My current weight status
These are my current weight now...i am a shy kinda smiley is the best for me for the time being.. sorry for that.
Looking at the pictures given below..u cn see obviously my weight and bmi status..because of that most of the time i always have low self confidence. Just imagine when people always call u fat and judging u time to time? I experienced at time when someone tell me straight to my face that i am fat. It's seriously hurt but i managed to put my mask on and just smile because i know one fine day they will swallow their own words.
So, my journey begins with isagenix..will update on the weight and inches weekly then..hopefully this will not be a yoyo kinda thing..
Can't wait for the results..wish me luck peeps!
Opening 2016 with Isagenix
My 2016 opening with Isagenix...Jameel come over to my house and bring along with him the weight loss package from first i thought it's gonna be expensive to be a member with Isagenix but Jameel and Dr. Haizal make it much more easier and affordable. Invested around rm500plus and officially a member of Isagenix. Within the range of items that i had bought for weight loss programme.
So, after ordering from Jameel by watsapp. He came over and explain how to take those product step by step. He and his upline Dr. Haizal been very helpful and always help me in getting info for this products even though i am just thinking about it before and until now. They had been updating with me time to time. Never had i seen such a great upline that so helpful to their downline. They managed to answer every questions, though i think some of it might sound silly..and patiently waiting and guiding me.
To me, sometimes we do need someone that can tag along with us in such a way that money can't buy. I mean, u gonna invest an amount of money and ur upline is being so arrogant and just wanted to fullfill their dreams without taking u along..i think i got enough of that drama before.
I am blessed to get them as my upline. Even though i text them middle of the night, they never failed to answer me accordingly. That is super great. They managed to get my trust, attention and loyalty. It's not easy for me to give a stranger all those package though.
Finally, i did signed up and start using the products. Will update on the progress time to time then. Can't wait for the result! Yeay!
Later then..
Friday, 1 January 2016
Hello 2016...goodbye 2015...
Cerita kak chik kali ni pasal diet..kak chik baru nk mula..sebenarnya lama da kak chik duk on off on off diet nih..bukan apa..x tahan..tgk ...
Sy ada juga mencuba jenama yg sy cuba..ultra dtox..produk dr japan..mengikut kata bdk farmasi tu..jenama ni bagus tuk detox usua da...
change of thoughts aye? Going from Isagenix to Shaklee? Currently i am thinking to switching from Isagenix to Shaklee. Personally, t...
Haa..pelik kan? ghasa akak baru je aritu kami duk makan sahur duk niat sahur tuk sebulan..duk cegang bijik mata nk masak lauk sahur..past...