Tuesday, 12 July 2016
Selamat Hari Raya..Mahap Zahir Dan Batin
Haa..pelik kan? ghasa akak baru je aritu kami duk makan sahur duk niat sahur tuk sebulan..duk cegang bijik mata nk masak lauk sahur..pastu duk usha makanan kt bazaar ramadhan..la ni..tup tap..tup tap..dah raya bak ang..
Ni akak duk terflash back sebenarnya raya taun taun lepas..raya taun ni cm biasalaa..duk p beraya umh mak ayah kt ampang nun pastu duk beraya umh kengkawan sahabat handai sampai ke Kelantan nun bak ang...saja..nk rasa raya jauh katanya..sekali mmg pun..driving pergi 5 jam..balik naik bas..nangis weeeiii...11 jam dalam bas..kematu punggung bak ang...tapi x palaa..kata pun nk rasa raya jauh di perantauan kan..ada laa jugak pengalaman p tmpt org..ghupanya sama jaa..xdak laa beza tara mana pun..cuma makanan je lelain..kalau kt kl tu..kita duk makan ketupat rendang kuih raya..p kelantan depa duk jamu nasi berlauk..dpt laa akak merasa kuzi ngn roti jala..mahap laa yer..akak x sempat nk snap apa pun..semua da masuk perut..hahahah..
Xpala..raya mana pn pd akak sama aja..janji kita menegeratkan silaturrahim..yelaa..kita sesama islam kan semua bersaudara..ye dokk...
jadi di kesempatan ini, akak nk minta ampun dan mahap pada sesiapa yg mengenali diri akak..mahap zahir dan batin yer..semoga kita di perkenankan segala permintaan dan di jauhkan segala kecelakaan..
jumpa lagi naa...nk sambung kerja.. :)
Saturday, 2 July 2016
From Isagenix to Shaklee?
change of thoughts aye? Going from Isagenix to Shaklee?

Currently i am thinking to switching from Isagenix to Shaklee. Personally, tried several products from Isagenix but sincerely it's good. But could not afford the expensive price to maintain everyday usage.
Looking for a suitable price that can maintain my everyday usage. Not trying the Shaklee set just yet but was thinking to do so in the future. In my family, my little sister we called her Ms Sharkie are using it after been introduced by her doctor during her check up for her last pregnancy. So from there, she taking some sets from Shaklee and i can see her difference. After giving birth to a healthy baby boy, i can see she is perfectly alright. She had this low blood pressure kinda thing during her last pregnancy.
So, after asking a lot from Mr Google, i found out that there is hard for me to find a negative review for Shaklee products or maybe i didn't bump into one. Why i was thinking to taking all these supplements?
Firstly like always, i been an obese and a preparation for me to strikes the 4 series. I don't wanna be tired all the time and look so old with the no 4. Plus, currently i am not taking any supplements that can help me to do so. My bad. Too many excuses also not good for me though because by the end of the day, its me who gonna face it all alone.
So, before this i tried the fruit juice kinda diet. Bought myself a fruit juice machine that costs quite expensive and starts the routine. Bought lots of fruits and start drinking the tasty juice. The results? as expected, not shredding those kg's but instead gaining more. Plus, i noticed i became sweet tooth junkie and always have candy bar or anything sweets in my bag. No No No No!!
So for me, the fruit juice kinda diet wasn't for me. That why i am searching for new thing which i came across Shaklee. Though Shaklee is not new in the industry i mean around more than 50 years if i am not mistaken and i can see many my friends in FB are using it and i have not tried it so far. So gonna see how it goes soon when i get the sets of my own. Maybe.
So that's all for now.. maybe updating later then..

Currently i am thinking to switching from Isagenix to Shaklee. Personally, tried several products from Isagenix but sincerely it's good. But could not afford the expensive price to maintain everyday usage.
Looking for a suitable price that can maintain my everyday usage. Not trying the Shaklee set just yet but was thinking to do so in the future. In my family, my little sister we called her Ms Sharkie are using it after been introduced by her doctor during her check up for her last pregnancy. So from there, she taking some sets from Shaklee and i can see her difference. After giving birth to a healthy baby boy, i can see she is perfectly alright. She had this low blood pressure kinda thing during her last pregnancy.
So, after asking a lot from Mr Google, i found out that there is hard for me to find a negative review for Shaklee products or maybe i didn't bump into one. Why i was thinking to taking all these supplements?
Firstly like always, i been an obese and a preparation for me to strikes the 4 series. I don't wanna be tired all the time and look so old with the no 4. Plus, currently i am not taking any supplements that can help me to do so. My bad. Too many excuses also not good for me though because by the end of the day, its me who gonna face it all alone.
So, before this i tried the fruit juice kinda diet. Bought myself a fruit juice machine that costs quite expensive and starts the routine. Bought lots of fruits and start drinking the tasty juice. The results? as expected, not shredding those kg's but instead gaining more. Plus, i noticed i became sweet tooth junkie and always have candy bar or anything sweets in my bag. No No No No!!
So for me, the fruit juice kinda diet wasn't for me. That why i am searching for new thing which i came across Shaklee. Though Shaklee is not new in the industry i mean around more than 50 years if i am not mistaken and i can see many my friends in FB are using it and i have not tried it so far. So gonna see how it goes soon when i get the sets of my own. Maybe.
So that's all for now.. maybe updating later then..
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change of thoughts aye? Going from Isagenix to Shaklee? Currently i am thinking to switching from Isagenix to Shaklee. Personally, t...
Haa..pelik kan? ghasa akak baru je aritu kami duk makan sahur duk niat sahur tuk sebulan..duk cegang bijik mata nk masak lauk sahur..past...